Tag Archive: Korea

Famous Paintings of Korea

Korea is a country of stark beauty and a troubled history. Many in the western hemisphere have not been exposed to many of their artists. While I do hope to have a section that discusses their contributions to the art world, this page serves as a place that showcases famous paintings of Korea.

Korea has proven a challenge for me. It was a unified country prior to World War II but most of us born after 1945 have only seen a country divided by so much more than the 38th Parallel. I had originally planned on keeping the two states separate but with the addition of the biography of Jeong Seon, I see the futility in such an endeavor – he painted mountains in present-day North Korea but is honored with a museum in the South. Since I don’t foresee this site including many works which were completed after 1945, it would seem more appropriate to identify all of the artists as Korean, without designating which part of the country they came from.

OK, so moving on beyond the politics of the region, let’s celebrate the beauty of the Korean Peninsula and the famous paintings of the Korean landscape.

General View of Inner Mt. Geumgang

This is one of the numerous paintings of Mt. Geumgang by the famous Korean artist Jeong Seon (1676-1759). I’ve already told you about the mountain, it’s seasonal names and it’s history in Gueumgang jeondo. This painting, depicts the section of…
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Geumgang jeondo

There’s only a few paintings that the art world and historians feel are significant enough that they are given their own place in encyclopedias and on Wikipedia. This painting by the Korean artist Jeong Seon (1676-1759). Jeong loved this mountain….
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