
gibraltar by Anton van den Wyngaerde

I’m one of those writers who tends to see virtually empty posts that rely on linking to another site for the topic as lazy. I try never to make it look like I’m offering information that I’m not. But, this is one time that I’m making an exception.

While researching the Flemish painter Anton van den Wyngaerde (1525-1571), I learned that one of his most famous works is this one of Gibraltar, or Gubelaltar as Wyngaerde entitled this piece. He completed the work in 1567 and his are believed to be the oldest known drawings of “the rock”.

One Gibraltarian, Neville Chipulina, has a wonderful blog about his country and the people who live there. It is full of historical pictures and clearly shows his love for his home. His piece on Wyngaerde’s Gibraltar is the most informative and comprehensive that I’ve seen anywhere. None of the work by art historians can capture the spirit of the work and explain it the way Chipulina does.

So, dear visitor to The Famous Artists, I invite you to visit Chipulina’s site to see all of Wyngaerde’s Gubelaltar, including many of his preliminary sketches…Anton Van Den Wyngaerde – ‘Gubelaltar’.