Coles Phillips Fadeaway Girl 2

fadeaway girl drawing by C. Phillips
C. Coles Phillips (1880-1927) is most well-known for creating the Fadeaway Girl. This book illustration is a fine example of the Fadeaway Girl technique. Coles used this technique in book and magazine advertising images. In these drawings the focus is on a beautiful woman, her clothing is colored in the same color as the background creating a faded out appearance. Even without those details, Coles is so skillful that our eyes automatically fill in what appears to be missing. In this example, it is the side of a lovely bride’s wedding dress. She stands before a tall mirror, perhaps taking one last look to ensure that everyone is just right before she walks down the aisle at her garden wedding. Tall orange-flowering trees set off the color of the bride’s hair decoration as well as the trim on the mirror.

This Coles Phillips book illustration of a Fadeaway Girl was not named so, for lack of a better way of keeping track of things, I’m calling her Fadeaway Girl 2 because she is the second of this type of drawing that I’ve posted on The Famous Artists.

To learn more about C. Coles Phillips and view more examples of his work, please visit our page dedicated to Coles Phillips.